Getting to know your PC more.

Most people just use their pc's without knowing it's specs.
I happen to have known some ways to which you can get the info.

1st is you can directly go to your desktop and right click on "My Computer" and select properties.
Although it will just give the very basic info only.. but hey this is the quickest way possible.
If you dont have any internet connection then this will be your only option

2nd is you can download some programs and software to help you on this.
One software I can recommend is Speccy.
just google it.
this program is easy to use even to those people who do not consider themselves to be tech savvy.

Speccy Portable lets you obtain highly detailed statistics about your computer. It covers not only the basics, like processor and RAM memory, but also hard drive, graphics card, motherboard, optical drives, operating system and more.

I know it takes some time and hassle to download and install it so lemme proceed to the next one

3rd one is looking for a website that can do the job for you.
just click this link

My PC info

it will redirect you to a webpage that will be able to give u basic, standard and advanced info about your PC. It also allows to know whether you pc is capable of running specific games or not.. So if you're a game this will really help u alot. Because it will let u know first whether u can play a game or not before u buy the installer cd or download it online.. Saves you time and money.

allow me to show you mine.

this old horse has been with me for around 6 years. just done one upgrade for RAM and for the Video Card.